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How about leaving Frankfurt for a day to see the fantastic scenery of the Rhine River Valley, which has been designated a UNESCO natural and cultural heritage site? Vineyards and picturesque villages. And you can enjoy the amazingly beautiful scenery of Lorelei. In summer, you can take the Assmannhausen cable car to the valley, dine in great restaurants and enjoy boat trips. You can also enjoy a wine tasting in a small wine bar and discover the picturesque little town of Rüdesheim. In winter, the castle tour is added instead of the cable car, so you can make a great trip at any time.
▲ Take a day trip to the world-famous Rhine River Valley.
▲ In winter, you can take a tour to see a picturesque castle.
▲ You can also taste delicious local wine.
tour schedule
Summer and winter tour schedules may be slightly different.
Meeting point:
In front of the main entrance of Le Meridien Hotel
Wiesenhuttenpl. 38, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Open in Google Map
Meeting time:
11:15 AM
Please arrive 10 minutes before the meeting time.
Wiesenhüttenstraße 39, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, 독일