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BESTIf you visit with children, you will love it. From the entrance, it has a cute Alsatian design. European toys and playing cards by year were on display. There is also a children's activity area, which is educationally good and you can buy some playing cards, etc.
An invitation to the world of toys,
Colmar Toy Museum
Visit the Toy Museum in Colmar, a city near Alsace. You can enjoy a time of immersion in the world of childhood while appreciating various exhibitions ranging from toys from the 19th century to the latest toys. You can also see special exhibitions and daily puppet shows.
A unique cultural space,
Colmar Toy Museum
Introducing the Toy Museum located in Colmar, near Alsace, France, where everything from classic toys that stimulate our childishness to the latest toys that will surprise you is collected. You can enter a world that feels like time travel, including the first electric toys, Lego, and toys from 200 years ago.
both children and adults
Each toy reflects the culture and history of the time, making it more than just a play tool. Have a special time viewing the toys one by one. Enjoy puppet shows held daily at the museum and games that you can touch and experience.
address :
Colmar Toy Museum Musée du Jouet
40 Rue Vauban, 68000 Colmar, France
Open in Google Maps
operating time :
Closed on Tuesdays.
Wednesday - Monday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
※ Admission closes 30 minutes before the end of operation.
40 Rue Vauban, 68000 Colmar, France