BESTI think I'll have to give it a star rating so I'm posting it. It's the worst, I take pictures with my GoPro, but it comes out like a fish, and it doesn't take a lot of pictures, and I don't have a single video ^^,,, but I can't find anything out of the pictures I took hahahahahahaha And let's go back to the beach when the sunset is the prettiest,,, the end, if it's dangerous, I thought I'd take a picture with a paddle board at the beach, but it's over. And one guide took pictures of 4 Koreans and 4 people who looked like locals, so there was no way to put any sincerity in the pictures.
미팅 포인트 :
투숙하는 호텔 로비에서 진행돼요. (시내 호텔만 미팅 가능)
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