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Visit the Pont du Gard, located between Arles and Avignon, France. The Pont du Gard is a Roman-style aqueduct bridge with a history of over 500 years. As it is an aqueduct bridge that has played a role in transporting goods from Wijes to Nimes for a long time, it is famous as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. Spend some leisurely time walking across the aqueduct, which boasts a majestic exterior! Find Pont du Gard at a discounted price at WAUG now.
▲ Visit the Pont du Gard, located between Arles and Avignon.
▲ It is a waterway bridge with a history of over 500 years.
▲ It is a famous spot visited by many tourists as it has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
address :
Pont du Gard
400 Rte du Pont du Gard, 30210 Vers-Pont-du-Gard, France
Open in Google Maps
operating time :
Every week 09:00 AM - 19:30 PM
Last admission: 1 hour before closing
Operating hours vary by season. For more details, please refer to the official website .
400 Rte du Pont du Gard, 30210 Vers-Pont-du-Gard, 프랑스