Meet the new Seoul by visiting the hottest places, such as historical sites and the landmark, in Seoul on a Double Decker bus. From tour, culture, food, shopping and to other interesting features, you can experience everything in Seoul. You will be satisfied with the ride. With a single ticket, you can enjoy unlimited rides for one day, regardless of the number of getting on or off.
▲ Since departing from the DDP, you can look around comfortably after shopping with all the shopping baggage!
▲ Starting with the most famous livestock market in Seoul, you can also visit special tourist attractions such as the herbal medicine market and Dongmyo.
▲ Look down Seoul on the “opened ceiling” Double Decker bus!
Ticket booth :
Dongdaemun Design Plaza (Dongdaemun history culutre park- DDP) Ticket Booth
136-12 Gwanghui-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Open the map
Holiday :
Tuesday, Wednesday
weekday Schedule : 40 minutes lnterval
Weekend Schedule :30 minutes interval
Bus Stop locations :
136-12 Gwanghui-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea