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Mongolia: 3 Nights 4 Days Desert & Stargazing Tour from Ulaanbaatar

US$ 506.348%
US$ 467.39
Available from 2월 115.0View reviews  >
Ulaanbaatar >

Product Info

  • Confirmed within 24 hoursConfirmed within 24 hours
  • 1 person1 person
  • Mobile voucherMobile voucher
  • Airport pick-upAirport pick-up
  • Use only on the selected dateUse only on the selected date
  • Cancellation availableCancellation available
  • KoreanKorean
Please note: This product description is a machine translation.
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아빠와 함께한 3박4일간의 몽골여행😆 (+운드라 가이드님)

생애 처음으로 아빠와 함께한 해외여행이었는데, 좋은 가이드님과 기사님을 만나 성공적으로 여행을 마칠 수 있었습니다. 정말 감사해요:))

매일 아침과 저녁을 운드라 가이드님이 직접 해주셨는데 정말 맛있었어요! 특히 첫날 저녁과 둘째날 아침은 한식으로 닭볶음탕과 참치 미역국으로 차려주셨는데 맛있게 잘 먹었어요 ㅎㅎ 그 이후에는 저희가 몽골 음식도 맛보고 싶다고 하니 둘째날 저녁에는 몽골식 볶음 국수를 해주셨는데 입맛에 잘 맞아서 기분 좋게 식사했습니다 ㅎㅎ
점심식사의 경우 식당에서 몽골 음식 위주로 먹었는데, 아빠와 저는 현지 음식 먹는 것을 좋아해서 그런지 다 맛있게 먹었고, 아주 만족스러웠어요. 특히 셋째날 저녁에 먹었던 허르헉은 정말 대만족이어서 배불러도 계속 먹었답니다 ㅎㅎ

여행을 하는 동안 대부분 날씨가 너무 좋았어요. 그런데 중간에 이동하면서 비가 올 때도 있었는데, 비가 오면 낙타 체험이나 승마체험 등을 못할 수도 있다고 하셔서 조금 걱정도 되었지만 막상 장소 도착하면 기적처럼 비가 멎고 해가 떠서 모든 체험을 누락 없이 다 할 수 있었던 것도 행운이었어요 ㅎㅎ

-1일차: 새벽비행 후 바로 공항에서 투어를 시작했어요. 일찍 투어를 시작한 덕분에 비교적 다른 팀보다는 일찍 여행자 게르 캠핑장에 도착해서 편하게 씻을 수 있었고, 여유있게 숙소와 어기호수 주변을 둘러보며 휴식했어요. 그런데 낮에는 바람이 많이 불어 아쉽게 모터보트는 못탔지만, 밤에는 날씨가 아주 좋고 달도 잘 보이지 않아 몽골 여행 첫날 밤부터 별을 원없이 볼 수 있었던 점은 아주 좋았어요!

-2일차: 바람이 많이 불었던 전날과는 달리 2일차 아침에는 바람이 잔잔해서 미니사막으로 이동하기 전에 모터보트를 탈 수 있었어요ㅎㅎ 그리고 나서 엘승타사르해(미니 사막)로 출발했어요. 일정이 빠듯하지 않고 널널해서 중간에 에르덴조 사원도 잠깐 둘러볼 수 있었던 점도 아주 좋았습니다. 미니사막에 도착한 후에는 타이밍이 좋게 낙타 체험을 했는데 비가 오고난 후여서 그런지 무지개가 떠서 아주 기분 좋게 낙타체험을 했어요 ㅎㅎ 그리고 모래 썰매를 탈 때는 운드라 가이드님이 멋진 인생샷을 찍어주셔서 지금 제 배경화면으로 박제해 두었습니다:)) 이날도 밤에 날씨가 맑아 별을 많이 볼 수 있었고, 별을 다 본 후에는 엄청 크고 밝은 달이 떠서 또 다른 밤풍경을 볼 수 있었어요.

-3일차: 테렐지 국립공원은 미니사막과는 거리가 멀어 일찍 출발해야한다고 하셔서 아침을 일찍 먹고 길을 나섰어요. 운드라 가이드님이 테렐지 국립공원을 가기 전에 조금 더 가면 칭기즈 칸 마동상을 볼 수 있는데 가볼건지 여쭈어보셔서 즉흥적으로 마동상도 관람한 후 테렐지 국립공원으로 들어갔어요. 그런데 갑자기 비가 많이 와서 기념품샵에서 먼저 쇼핑을 했고, 그럼에도 비가 그치지 않아 가이드님이 오늘 체험은 힘들 것 같다고 숙소로 가자고 하셨는데 숙소로 가는 길에 정말 거짓말처럼 비가 그치고 해가 쨍쨍 떠서 승마체험을 비롯한 독수리 체험, 거북바위 관람이 모두 가능했어요:)) 비가 갠 뒤에 하늘이 정말 맑았기에 사진도 더욱 잘 나오더라구요ㅎㅎ 다만 이날은 비가 온 탓인지 밤하늘에 구름이 많이 껴서 아쉽게 별을 많이 보진 못했어요.

-4일차: 여행 마지막날이어서 아쉬운 마음을 뒤로하고 테렐지 국립공원을 떠나 울란바토르로 왔어요. 몽골 정부 청사 앞 광장도 구경하고 고비 캐시미어 아울렛과 국영 백화점에 들러 쇼핑을 한 다음 운드라 가이드님과 헤어지고, 기사님께서 칭기즈 칸 공항으로 배웅해주셔서 3박 4일간의 알찬 몽골 투어를 마쳤습니다:))

몽골 여행 중에 겪었던 여러 행운들과 경험은 소중한 추억이 되어 아빠와 두고두고 회고할 것 같아요:)
이 여정을 잘 이끌어주신 하닥투어의 운드라 가이드님과 기사님께 한번 더 감사드려요!
다음에 또 몽골 여행에서 봽길 바랍니다😊


For 3 nights and 4 days
Meet the great nature of Mongolia

I will introduce you to a Mongolian winter tour where you can enjoy deserts, lakes, and grasslands in a short period of time! Feel the great nature of Mongolia in Terelj and Mini Desert near Ulaanbaatar.

Mongolia 3 nights 4 days tour is a private tour that provides accommodation, meals, activities, and even pick-up and drop-off. It is an all-in-one tour product! For 3 nights and 4 days, you can visit the natural attractions carefully selected by Khadak Tour! You can spend time feeling Mongolia's nature with your whole body! On the last day, you will visit Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, so you will also have time to shop for souvenirs.

Since it is a private tour, you can travel alone or with a group of people, so we can provide customized services. Travel all over Mongolia with a guide who is fluent in Korean! Enjoy Mongolian and Korean food prepared by the guide. You can experience local tastes and tastes of your hometown at the same time.


Meet the great nature of Mongolia
Mongolian Desert Tour

Experience Mongolia's winter, which is as wonderful as Switzerland's! The snow-covered Agi Lake is truly beautiful. We will safely take you to Mongolia's tourist destinations, which are more difficult to move in winter! Since we only visit one place per day, you can enjoy leisurely sightseeing without being restricted by time.

We provide all meals, accommodations, and transportation, so all you need to do is show up for 3 nights and 4 days. You won't be accompanied by strangers. This is a private tour that you can enjoy only with your companions!

Feel the charm of Mongolia, where your heart will be warm even when you encounter the cold wind!


Activities that are twice as fun in winter

A winter Mongolia tour that offers more diverse activities than other seasons! Let me introduce you to the activities you can experience on this tour!

Agi Lake Ice Fishing & Ice Sledding
Ice fishing and ice sledding on the frozen lake! How about ice fishing while enjoying the beautiful snow-covered nature in a peaceful atmosphere? Or try an exciting ice sledding ride across the ice! You won't know how much time has passed.

Mini Desert Camel Experience
Take a leisurely ride on a camel and explore the mini desert. Enjoy the wide-open sand dunes. Your heart will feel like it's been lifted. After the camel ride, go up to the highest point and ride a sled! You can feel the thrill of a sled sliding down the soft sand at high speed.

Terelj horseback riding experience & paid activities (dog sledding, zipline, snow bike)
Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of Mongolia while riding a horse and taking in the wide grasslands of Terelj. Put a big and beautiful eagle on your arm. Here, I will introduce paid activities that can only be enjoyed in winter! Dog sledding driven by cute but charismatic huskies, zipline riding while looking at the snow-covered Terelj, and snow bike riding through the snowy landscape! Those who wish can experience it after paying on site.


Why I recommend Hadak Tour

Trusted travel agency
Hadak Tour is a local Mongolian travel agency, registered with the Tourism Association and has a travel agency license.

Veteran Guides & Articles
All guides are fluent in Korean and are veteran guides who have passed tests on Korean cooking and photography. All drivers have an average of over 12 years of experience and will take you to your destination comfortably and safely.

Lastly, Hadak Tour does not sell any items during the trip and does not force you to shop, so you can travel without any burden!

Since you have taken the time to come here, we will serve as your guide to ensure your safety and enjoyment during your trip!


I recommend this to these people!

- For those planning a winter trip
- For those who want to experience various activities in nature
- For those who want to take care of everything from pick-up and drop-off to accommodation and meals all at once
- For those who want smooth communication with the guide

If you meet even one of these conditions, why not try Khadak Tour’s 3-night, 4-day winter Mongolia tour?

Tour Course

Mongolian Fish Lake + Mini Desert + Terelj 3 Nights 4 Days Course


What's Included

  • All expenses related to the knight & guide
  • Fuel cost
  • entrance fee
  • 1 round trip pickup sanding
  • Accommodation costs
  • Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
  • Activities (camel trekking, sand sledding)
  • Free sleeping bag rental for October trips (request in advance required)

What's Not Included

  • SIM card (can be purchased upon request for 10,000 won per unit)
  • Accommodation upgrade (80,000 won per person per night upon request)
  • Airline ticket
  • Personal snacks and drinks
  • Terelj activities (Zipline $10, ATV $30)
  • Travel Insurance

How To UseHow To Use

  • Use mobile voucher
  • Present your mobile voucher on site
  • Valid only on the specified date

Meeting place:
1. Airport pickup
Ulaanbaatar Chinggis Khaan New Airport (UBN) inside Tam-en-Tams
The pick-up driver will be waiting at the airport (Tam N Toms) according to your flight arrival time.
View detailed image

2. Hotel pick-up
Your guide will be waiting for you in the hotel lobby.

Meeting time:
1. Airport Pickup
The pick-up driver will be waiting at the airport (Tam N Toms) according to your flight arrival time.
View detailed image

2. Hotel pick-up
8 am

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Grab your e-ticket on the app and skip the hassle!

What to RememberWhat to Remember

  • If you wish to purchase a SIM card or upgrade your accommodation, please include this in your request and we will send you a quote including the additional costs.
  • Please make sure to dress appropriately for Mongolia's unpredictable weather.
  • Mongolia's winters are -20 degrees Celsius. Cold weather gear is a must.
  • Please be advised in advance that the travel itinerary may change due to local circumstances such as natural disasters or bad weather for the safety of travelers.
  • Due to the nature of Mongolian travel, travel times are somewhat long, so the tour order may change depending on local circumstances rather than moving according to a set schedule.
  • I am not responsible for any accidents that occur due to failure to cooperate with the guide's instructions.
  • There may be bugs in the tent. Please bring your own mosquito repellent and other first aid supplies.
  • Stay in a ger camp, not a hotel. It is a six-person room, mixed gender, and only shared with members of the same group.
  • For your safety, please refrain from excessive drinking.
  • Please join the tour after signing up for travel insurance. (This tour does not include travel insurance.)
  • The travel agency is not responsible for any accidents that may occur during experiential activities (especially horseback riding and camel riding). Please use the activities with caution.
  • Children's fares are the same as adult fares.
  • Winter Mongolia travel can be difficult with electricity and showers inside the ger as most tourist camps are closed. (220v electric charging available in the vehicle, showers available in the village shower room)
  • Changes and refunds are not possible due to no-shows or late arrivals.
  • The tour itinerary may change depending on local circumstances.
  • Your reservation is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation voucher.
  • Depending on local circumstances, reservations may not be accepted or refunds may be issued.
  • If you would like to be picked up at the airport, please include your flight number/arrival date/arrival time in your request.
  • If you would like to be picked up at a hotel, please indicate the hotel name in your request.
  • If you would like to rent a free sleeping bag, please be sure to include it in your request.

Cancellation and Refund

- If notified 24 hours before the travel date: 100% of the travel fee will be refunded
- If notified within 24 hours of the travel date: No cancellation/refund

• Cancellation/refund requests are limited to those received during business hours (Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00 / excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays). Cancellations received outside of business hours will be processed on the next business day (based on business hours).
• Reservation cancellation and refund requests must be requested during business hours and then confirmed.
Customer Service
US$ 506.348%
US$ 467.39

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