짜릿함과 시원함을 즐길 수 있는 곳
골드코스트에 위치한 호주의 워터파크 화이트 워터 월드를 소개해요. 화이트 워터 월드는 9월부터 4월까지만 오픈하는 드림 월드 바로 옆에 위치한 워터파크로 물놀이, 슬라이드, 라이딩을 즐기며 물놀이를 즐길 수 있기 때문에 가족과 친구들과 함께 가기에 좋은 곳이에요. 다양한 어트랙션을 즐기며 짜릿하고 시원하게 호주의 여름을 즐겨보세요!
Thrilling attractions,
White Water World
If you are looking for a place to travel to Australia! If you are looking for a place where you can safely swim in the great outdoors, why not visit the Gold Coast water park White Water World? It is a place full of water slides and thrilling activities. Blow away your stress by riding the thrilling slides and rushing through the water with your friends, lovers, and family!
Excellent accessibility
Whitewater World is located right next to Dreamworld. It is a popular ticket because you can enjoy more fun by visiting both places together. There are also various convenient facilities and restaurants nearby, so you can enjoy fun all day long.
Introduction to major attractions
Whitewater World has a variety of thrilling attractions to enjoy. Here are five must-try attractions.
1. Super Tube Hydrocoaster
An exhilarating ride down a giant funnel! Ride a 4-person tube through a dark tunnel and suddenly drop into a bright funnel, where after a few turns, you end up in cool water.
2. The Bro
It's a thrilling slide that feels like riding a giant wave. Ride a 6-person raft and experience the giant waves as you plunge from a height of 18 meters. At the end, splash into the pool.
3. Riptide
This is a thrilling slide that rotates 360 degrees. You can experience the thrill of sharp curves and 360-degree rotations while riding a two-person tube.
4. Cave of Waves
Enjoy surfing in the giant wave pool. Ride a tube in the giant wave pool with waves up to 2.5 meters high, or experience the thrill of surfing the waves with your bare body.
5. Pipeline plunge
Enjoy the thrill of a sudden plunge through a dark tunnel! Ride on a one-person or two-person tube and glide quickly down a dark tunnel, adding to the excitement with sudden drops and turns.
주소 :
화이트 워터 월드 WhiteWater World
1 Dreamworld Pkwy, Coomera QLD 4209 오스트레일리아
Google Maps에서 열기
운영 시간 :
금요일 : 오전 10:30 - 오후 5:00
토요일 - 일요일 : 오전 10:00 - 오후 5:00
월요일 - 목요일: 휴무
※ 9월부터 4월까지 지정된 날에 개장하는 계절 공원입니다.
※ 시즌에 따라 운영 시간이 변동되니 방문 전 공식 홈페이지를 참고해 주세요.
WhiteWater World