Enjoying various attractions,
Fun Spot America
Have fun at Fun Spot America Kissimmee, which has a variety of attractions including roller coasters and bumper cars. From classic rides like slides and bumper cars to adrenaline coasters and hurricanes, there's nothing to miss here. There are also thrilling attractions that adults can enjoy as well.
Introduction to major attractions
Various roller coasters:
Fun Spot America features roller coasters of various difficulty levels. There is a roller coaster that everyone from beginners to experts can enjoy.
Children's rides:
Fun Spot America has a variety of rides for children.
Children can have fun with a variety of rides such as a merry-go-round, mini train, and bumper cars.
Fun Spot America has a go-kart track. Feel the thrill of riding a go-kart.
address :
Fun Spot America Theme Parks
5700 Fun Spot Way, Orlando, FL 32819 United States
Open in Google Maps
operating time :
Every week 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Operating hours vary by season. For more details, please refer to the official website .
5700 Fun Spot Way, Orlando, FL 32819, United States